We’ve spent the last couple of weeks discussing strategically designed promotional ideas that are eco-friendly, sustainable, organic, and practical. We’re going to continue bringing you green ideas, but today we’re putting our business mind aside and celebrating our big green Earth. For ideas on how you can get involved in the solutions to the problems facing our planet, head over to US EPA’s- Earth Day site, Greenpeace International or Wiki How’s Celebrate Earthday page. If you have children, help them discover the wonders of Mother Nature with Walt Disney’s new documentary, Earth, which opens nationwide today. For every ticket bought this week, Disney will plant a tree. Or celebrate by simply spending some time outside. But don’t let it end there: Earth Day should be every day.
Happy Earth Day from Branding IdeasTM!
Earth Day, eco-friendly, EPA Earthday, Greenpeace International, promotional ideas, Walt Disney
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