As we mentioned in our last post, summer isn’t the time of year when clients, suppliers or customers expect corporate gifts, which means that if you do decide to use the season as an opportunity to launch a special promotion or just send out a special thank-you to your most valuable associates, it could potentially have an even bigger impact. Branding Ideas has decided to compile a list of possible occasions worth celebrating this summer. Some of them are downright silly, and you should seek out holidays and special occasions that fit with your business’s brand and message. For example, June 5th is World Environment Day, which is the perfect opportunity to explore all of the great eco-friendly promotional and gift ideas we talked about during the weeks leading up to Earth Day last month. June also marks observances for Fireworks Safety, Gay & Lesbian Pride, Great Outdoors, National Safety, Professional Wellness, and Student Saftey. Here’s a list of daily and weekly observances that might give you some new ideas:
June 5th World Environment Day
June 7th National Cancer Survivors Day
June 7th – 15th National Automotive Service Professionals Week
June 11th Nurses Assistants Day
June 11th – 18th Nursing Assistants Week
June 14th Family History Day
June 14th – 20th National Flag Week
June 15th Native American Citizenship Day
June 15th – 21st Men’s Health Week
June 21st Father’s Day
June 21st World Humanist Day
June 23rd Public Service Day
Need some ideas for how to celebrate? Drop us a line!
corporate gifts, Events & Holidays, June, National Holidays, promotional ideas
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