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Tag: thankfulness

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At Thanksgiving, Being Grateful for Our Good Fortune

This week we are celebrating Thanksgiving in the U.S., and with the arrival of the holiday many of us have gratitude on our minds. It’s a great moment to pause and share appreciation for the positive things or wonderful people who have influenced our lives over the past year, whether at the dinner table or while taking a quiet walk in the cool autumn air.

In an always-on, sometimes overwhelming world filled with smartphone notifications and a seemingly endless to do list, it’s worthwhile to remember how fortunate we all are and how many instances of beauty and kindness surround us on a daily basis. Interestingly, the act of centering one’s thoughts on gratitude may provide more than just a simple emotional boost—thankfulness has been linked to several positive health indicators as well. In a 2003 study, people who regularly wrote down about what they were grateful for in a journal reported feeling more optimistic and indicated a higher level of self-esteem as well. Such a simple act of reflection can have profound benefits.

Although Thanksgiving is a key holiday when Americans come together to express their thankfulness for the people and aspects of life that have brought joy to them in recent months, it’s not the only time when we can express or focus on a sense of gratitude. And apparently, many of us regularly experience this feeling: according to a new Pew research study, 78% of Americans feel a strong sense of thankfulness on a weekly basis. Perhaps some of this gratitude is under the radar and being kept private rather than being communicated with others.

What makes Thanksgiving unique is that it offers us an opportunity to experience and share gratitude with the people who are important to us. Some people simply take turns naming one thing that they are thankful for on the holiday; others may get creative and create a Thankful Tree, similar to a Christmas advent calendar, on which they place a note of gratitude each day leading up to the event. Sharing thankfulness in such a communal way no doubt multiplies the benefits that gratitude otherwise offers us individually, for it gives us a chance to hear and appreciate what is most meaningful to our loved ones as well.

If you are traveling to be with family or friends this Thanksgiving, best wishes for a safe trip! However you spend your holiday, we hope that it’s a joyous occasion filled with warmth, good food, and gratitude shared by all.

Are you wondering how you can best express your appreciation to someone with a thoughtful gift this holiday season? We’d be happy to recommend some tasteful choices that will make a positive impression. Reach out to us on Twitter and Facebook—or call us at 877-881-6845 and we’ll be glad to advise on ways you can share your gratitude through well selected gifts.