For the past few weeks Branding IdeasTM has been brainstorming ideas to help improve the health of your brand and the planet at the same time. With Earth Day fast approaching (this Wednesday!), we’ve decided to check in with some of our most popular suppliers of promotional items to see what they’re contributing to the cause. One of our favorite lines is Leed’s, who’ve come up with their own list of environmentally responsible gift ideas. From growables to recycled cardboard, they’re one of many inventive partners who have helped us help you gift green. One of their product lines in particular caught our attention: Recycled Leather. Made from all natural material and using notepaper made from 70% post-consumer product, it’s a unique product line we want to bring to your attention. From small, affordable items like a recycled leather pivot pad, to more high-end gifts for your long-time clients and customers like a Day-Timer Eco Zippered Desk Planner, these recycled leather items prove that new eco-friendly promotional ideas are just a click or call away.
Earth Day, eco-friendly, promotional items, Recycled Leather
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