photo credit: Kalender / calendar via photopin (license)
May is just around the corner, and with it, the full flower of spring. We’re beginning to see some really lovely weather, and the parks here in New York are filling up with people biking, jogging, or just relaxing with a good book in the sunshine. As we did last month, we’d like to give you the heads up on several great opportunities to keep your business top of mind with clients and business partners during the month of May. Here are some of the upcoming holidays, events, and awareness dates coming up that you might want to have on your radar for promotional campaigns and giveaways—from lighthearted humorous occasions to thoughtful remembrances.
Holidays and Awareness Days
May 3 – National Teacher Appreciation Day
Teachers play such an important role in helping us succeed in life, and it’s worth taking a moment each year to acknowledge everything they do for us. Celebrated as part of National Teacher Appreciation Week, National Teacher Appreciation Day is dedicated to thanking the educators who have made incredible contributions to our futures and to society as a whole.
May 5 – Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army’s victory over France in the Franco-Mexican war. Although it’s not a major holiday in the country of its origin, Cinco de Mayo is a yearly occasion to celebrate Mexican culture and heritage here in the U.S.
May 6 – Nurse’s Day
On Nurse’s Day, communities honor the hard work and dedication of nurses, whose thoughtful and expert care is an important and fundamental aspect of health care. Nurse’s Day kicks off National Nurse’s Week (May 6-May 12), whose last day, May 12, is also Florence Nightingale’s birthday.
May 8 – Mother’s Day
Celebrated on various dates throughout the world, Mother’s Day has been a national observance here in the U.S. since 1914. It’s a special occasion to honor the mothers we know and love, whether with flowers and cards or a special dinner out at a favorite restaurant.
May 30 – Memorial Day
Celebrated every year on the last Monday of May, Memorial Day is a U.S. federal holiday honoring members of the armed forces who lost their lives while serving the country. It also serves as an unofficial start to the summer vacation season, which comes to an end on Labor Day.
Awareness Weeks May 2016
May 1-7: National Pet Week. Started by the American Veterinary Medical Association in 1981, National Pet Week celebrates the more than 200 million pets in America that make our lives so meaningful and bring us so much joy. It’s also intended to encourage pet owners or pet parents to care for their furry family members responsibly throughout the year.
May 22-28: National Running and Fitness Week. Celebrated each May, this awareness week is intended to encourage people to get out, get active, and get fit. It’s the perfect excuse to tie up your shoelaces and go out for an invigorating run.
May 23-27: Promotional Products Work! Week. Curious to know why promotional products are so effective? During Promotional Products Work! Week, we’ll be sharing information and resources on promotional products, trends in the industry, and how you can use products most effectively to promote your business.
Awareness Months May 2016
– National Bike Month
Established in 1956, National Bike Month is intended to generate awareness about the many benefits of biking—whether it’s to work, to school, or just out for a leisurely ride on a beautiful spring day.
– National Pet Month
If you have a pet in your family, chances are you cherish it all year long. But did you know there’s a whole month devoted to our furry companions? National Pet Month highlights the many benefits pets bring to people’s lives and vice versa. It’s a great opportunity to promote pet adoption as well as raise awareness about working companion animals’ contributions to society.
– National Get Caught Reading Month
Not just for bookworms, National Get Caught Reading Month is an occasion to promote the joy of reading among people of all ages. Celebrate with a trip to the library or your local bookstore and nourish your mind with a fascinating mystery novel, biography, or work of literary fiction.
Wondering if there are promotional products that might be a good fit for the season or a particular project or campaign you might have on your radar? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for advice. If you have an idea in mind that might benefit from some creative brainstorming, we’d be happy to share some recommendations. Connect with us on Twitter and Facebook or call us at 877-881-6845 and we’ll be glad to advise you on custom branded promotional products that can represent your brand with style and grace.