Branding Ideas℠

Tag: holiday

You are currently browsing the Branding Ideas Blog posts tagged: holiday

Branding on a Budget: Tip #5

Tip #5: Give the Gift of Giving

During hard times, charities and nonprofit organizations like the Red Cross suffer most. Why not give a gift in someone else’s name, or allow them to choose one for themselves? Sites like make it easy to let you give the gift of giving. And charitable donations often provide tax deductions — help others and save at the same time!

Branding on a Budget: Tip #4

Tip #4: Choose Products That Make Sense

Don’t waste resources on products that don’t accurately and completely capture the tone and style of your brand. We’ll work with you to come up with creative promotional ideas that last, make an impact, and are tailored to the key message of your brand or a specific campaign.

Branding on a Budget: Tip #3

Tip #3: Be Aware of Perceived Value

Tough economic times often mean businesses have to make difficult decisions. Make your clients and associates feel appreciated but avoid appearing extravagant or frivolous. Be generous and sensitive at the same time by choosing products that are useful and reflect your company’s values. Need some ideas? We’re here to help!

Branding on a Budget: Tip #2

Tip #2: Add a Personal Touch

The holiday season is right around the corner, so consider delivering gifts in person whenever possible. Not only will you save on postage but you’ll personalize your service, brand or company in the process!

Branding on a Budget: Tip #1

It’s that time of the year and with the economy on the downturn, Branding Ideas has decided to compile a list of tips for being creative and economical this holiday season. Each week we’ll unveil a new tip so check back regularly!

Tip #1: Brand Smart, Not Cheap

Just because your resources are limited, that doesn’t mean you can’t be smart when gift-giving this holiday season. Extend your brand by making a long-term investment – a 12-month promotional calendar with your brand on it will keep you on your clients and colleagues’ radars a lot longer than a fruitcake.