photo credit: SnowFlakeMacro via photopin (license)
Temperatures are dropping as the leaves fall outside, and as we make our way into the heart of October, we all know that winter’s not far in the distance. Local pharmacies have already put out their yearly signs advertising flu shots, and people we run into on the street are more likely to be sniffling and coughing as their immune systems grapple with the change in seasons.
Now, before winter really settles in, is a perfect opportunity to express thoughtful concern for others’ well-being with a gift that helps make their lives a little easier as they battle the frigid temperatures and brisk breezes. Here are a few ideas for some gifts that you can either give individually or as part of a care package.
Hand sanitizer is great for helping people ward off the frustrating colds that crop up this time of year. It’s an especially good choice for health-conscious folks, office workers collaborating with others in small spaces, and people who commute to work via public transportation. As the humidity level falls, our skin and lips get drier much more easily—particularly the lips, which are prone to chapping. Lip balm can soothe dry, irritated wintry lips. The round, egg-shaped EOS lip balm is an especially popular gift option; you can get it as part of a variety of attractively wrapped combo packs including hand lotion.
Of course, winter doesn’t have to be all about the sniffling and sneezing. Everyone looks forward to the occasional snow day when they can cozy up at home and enjoy some quiet time. You can bring a smile to someone’s face with some hot cocoa or a warm fleece blanket they can snuggle up in as the wind whistles outside. Someone you know who telecommutes or works from home from time to time might appreciate a lap desk they can use to tap away comfortably on their laptop.
Whatever gift you may select, the most meaningful thing you can do is to offer a compassionate gesture to colleagues, business partners and friends as the weather begins to get a little less hospitable out there. By expressing care and concern for their well-being, you’ll be sending a thoughtful message that will no doubt be appreciated and remembered for a long time to come.
Are you working on a special seasonal or holiday campaign or event for which custom branded products featuring excellent design can make an impact? If so, reach out to us on social media—we’re on Twitter and Facebook—or call us at 877-881-6845 and we’ll be happy to provide expert guidance on how you can achieve your branding goals this season and beyond.