photo credit: Atlas Hands via photopin (license)
Have you heard of World Kindness Day? Celebrated across the globe each year in countries from Singapore to Nigeria, it’s coming up on November 13. Originally started by the World Kindness Movement in 1998, World Kindness Day is an opportunity to pause and witness the beauty that a simple act of kindness can bring to the lives of those around you. With Thanksgiving coming up in the U.S. later this month, it ties in perfectly with the themes of gratitude and compassion that may already be on some of our minds. Here are a few ways you can show kindness to others on this special occasion:
- Give the gift of listening. In our busy world, despite our best intentions, sometimes it can be challenging to stop and focus on what our loved ones, friends and colleagues are saying to us. We also know what it’s like not to feel heard. Listening is one of the most powerful ways in which you can show kindness to another person.
- Ask questions. The other side to active listening is asking thoughtful questions. You can show kindness simply by inquiring about how they are, what they’re excited about, or what their concerns are. It’s a powerful way to show that you care how they are feeling and what’s happening in their life.
- Show someone that you care. Share your appreciation for someone who matters to you with a nice gesture that will be meaningful to them. This could be something small, like giving someone a chocolate chip cookie when they’re having a rough day. A handwritten note is always appreciated and remembered.
- Praise someone. Sometimes our accomplishments or special moments in life can go under the radar. Other times we don’t even notice our own talents and special gifts as we’re showing them. If you see someone’s skills or positive qualities in action and appreciate them, let them know. It’ll brighten their day.
- Practice awareness. As you’re going through your day, is there someone who’s struggling to find a seat on the subway or straining to reach an item on the top shelf at the grocery store? Keep your radar up for what others are experiencing and how you can be of service.
Of course, kindness can have benefits to the giver as well as the recipient! Practicing kindness can increase one’s levels of health and happiness, strengthen relationships, and inspire others to show kindness in return. We wrote last week that a year-end party is a perfect occasion to share your gratitude with the colleagues and employees who helped make the year a success. You don’t have to wait for a major occasion or a holiday to share the gift of kindness with those around you, though. In many respects, kindness is even more powerful when expressed, even in small ways, as we go about the business of our daily lives.
Are you wondering how you can make an impact with a special gift that shows a thoughtful touch? We’d be happy to put our expertise to work for you. Reach out to us on Twitter and Facebook—or call us at 877-881-6845 and we’ll be glad to advise on ways you can make a lasting, positive impression through kind and thoughtful gifts.