Branding Ideas℠

J is for June, S is for Safety

"No Accident Month" form from ...Safe: Safe and sound. Safety in numbers. Failsafe. Safe sex. We may have different images of how safe looks, but we can probably all agree that at the most fundamental level, being safe is being free from harm or risk or the threat of danger.

In honor of National Safety month, in addition to offering you a wide-range of safety related ideas and items to increase your brand visibility, we’d like to share some safety resources and campaigns we think are worth paying attention to.

National Cyber Security Alliance’s (NCSA) mission is to educate and therefore empower a digital society to use the Internet safely and securely at home, work, and school, protecting the technology individuals’ use, the networks they connect to, and our shared digital assets.

U.S. Government website for Distracted Driving and great series online at the New York Times  Driven to distraction

You'd look hotter in a helmet Tshirt

Although not being updated at present, safety is sexy is a good place to visit if you subscribe to the idea wearing a helmet is dorky or uncool. The site is entertaining and sobering and good reminder that wearing a helmet is attractive, cool and smart.

And speaking of brand visibility:

NY Dept of Sanitation workers on the street in orange vests with DSNY logos

We totally dig the New York City Department of Sanitation’s logo-emblazoned vests. They rank right up there with the orange coveralls worn by Mexico City’s sanitation workers, and the cooler, quieter, blue smock-style approach of the French street sweepers.

And while we are at it, we highly recommend the new documentary about Bill Cunningham, another fan of French street-sweepers’ garb.

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