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Draw Your Customers in with Clever Chalkboard Advertising

Chalkboard SignWhile enjoying a walk in your neighborhood this summer, did you notice any clever chalkboard advertisements that made you stop and smile? Chances are good that you did. Businesses of all types, particularly coffee shops, boutiques and bars, are increasingly using sidewalk chalkboard advertisements to stand out from the crowd and share a light-hearted, fun message with potential customers. We’ve all seen witty church signs for years—now local businesses are continuing the trend with a few modern twists and variations.

Why are more businesses using chalkboard advertising? While the simple sandwich-style boards were once used to advertise menu items or happy hour specials, that kind of information is already instantly accessible on social media and the mobile web. In fact, social media wit and humor may have in part brought about the new trend in using analog ads to inspire and amuse passersby. Some chalkboard ads have even gone viral as memes. Today’s customers are looking for a more personal experience than ever before, and chalkboard advertisements are one meaningful way to deliver it to them.

Funny or inspiring chalkboard advertising is an opportunity for thoughtful branding. You have a chance to share your brand values with people who might not otherwise be aware of your company beyond the basic information they can glean from glancing at your store. By making a small statement or sharing a humorous quip, you have a chance to distinguish yourself and make a memorable impression on potential customers who would otherwise simply walk past your business and make no note.

When they see that cute sign, they’ll associate your company with something more than just the goods and services it offers—they’ll link your brand with a feeling or something uniquely fun and positive. That experience is a particularly powerful form of branding that can set you apart from the competition and forge a valuable personal connection with your customers. It can even be more impactful than a typical ad with a hard sell, cajoling people to buy a product rather than treating them like a human being.

Something more creative with a personal touch can have a positive effect. Having identified your business as one that shares their values or can brighten their day with an uplifting quote, a customer that sees the funny chalkboard ad you created will be more likely to think of you in the future when the time comes to shop for your products.

Have you seen a particularly funny or insightful chalkboard ad lately? If so, let us know! Tweet us a photo or share it with us on Facebook. Should you be interested in a chalkboard sign of your own, you can check out our selection of chalkboard signs. Branding is something we’re very passionate about. If you have questions about how promotional products can help you connect with your customers, reach out to us via the social media links above or call us at 877-881-6845. We’ll be happy to put our expertise to work for you.