You might have noticed that Commerce Bank on the corner near you getting a makeover, with their red and blue signs being swapped out for new green and white ones. Or maybe you’ve seen the stars from Live with Regis and Kelly in their new television commercial touting TD Bank. Mergers aren’t anything new, and bank mergers are a dime a dozen right now, but Branding Ideas was interested in finding out if all of the things that made “America’s Most Convenient Bank” so convenient will continue at the newly merged Commerce-TD Banknorth stores (and yes, they’re still calling them “stores”). Sure enough, Commerce’s trademark pens have been replaced with new, green-colored TD Bank ones. It’s a perfect example of how a promotional idea that’s so simple (and relatively inexpensive) can go a long way in helping to brand—or in this case, re-brand—your company. More importantly, Commerce’s old banking hours are still in operation at TD: seven days a week, often until 7pm. Banking on Sunday. That’s what we call convenience! Now, as for those lolly pops and dog treats? We’ll have to get back to you on those.
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