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Tag: Events & Holidays

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J is for June, S is for Safety

"No Accident Month" form from ...Safe: Safe and sound. Safety in numbers. Failsafe. Safe sex. We may have different images of how safe looks, but we can probably all agree that at the most fundamental level, being safe is being free from harm or risk or the threat of danger.

In honor of National Safety month, in addition to offering you a wide-range of safety related ideas and items to increase your brand visibility, we’d like to share some safety resources and campaigns we think are worth paying attention to.

National Cyber Security Alliance’s (NCSA) mission is to educate and therefore empower a digital society to use the Internet safely and securely at home, work, and school, protecting the technology individuals’ use, the networks they connect to, and our shared digital assets.

U.S. Government website for Distracted Driving and great series online at the New York Times  Driven to distraction

You'd look hotter in a helmet Tshirt

Although not being updated at present, safety is sexy is a good place to visit if you subscribe to the idea wearing a helmet is dorky or uncool. The site is entertaining and sobering and good reminder that wearing a helmet is attractive, cool and smart.

And speaking of brand visibility:

NY Dept of Sanitation workers on the street in orange vests with DSNY logos

We totally dig the New York City Department of Sanitation’s logo-emblazoned vests. They rank right up there with the orange coveralls worn by Mexico City’s sanitation workers, and the cooler, quieter, blue smock-style approach of the French street sweepers.

And while we are at it, we highly recommend the new documentary about Bill Cunningham, another fan of French street-sweepers’ garb.

Calendar of Events: May

May is chockfull of holidays and observances you can tie-in to promote your business, organization, product or brand. Special occasions give you the chance to connect with your community, attract new and prospective customers, and build stronger relationships and a stronger brand.  May is Heal the Children Month, Clean Air Month, and Family Wellness Month. And here are more daily and weekly observances that might trigger some ideas:

May 3 – 9: Goodwill Industries Week
May 4 – 10: Public Service Recognition Week
May 6-12:  National Nurses Week
May 8: World Red Cross Day
May 9 – 17: National Tourism Week
May 10: Mothers Day
May 11 – 17: National Tran

Need help coming up with some ideas? Let us know!

Calendar of Events: April

April is rife with religious holidays, but since we live in such a culturally diverse world, those aren’t always the easiest to exploit to promote your business or product. Of course, there are creative ways to celebrate these holidays in a secular way, but there are also other unique opportunities to get your brand noticed. This month, for example, isn’t just home to Easter and Passover, it’s also Keep America Month and Stress Awareness Month. If that’s not a good fit for your business, there are plenty of other holidays and observances in the month of April at your disposal. Here are some other notable dates:

April 19: Passover
April 22: Earth Day
April 24: Easter
April 27: Administrative Professionals Day

Need help coming up with ideas? Branding Ideas is here to help!

Calendar of Events: March

March is National Nutrition Month! If your business revolves around food, this is a great chance to promote your brand or a new product. Even if it doesn’t, there are plenty of ways to take advantage of this kind of promotional opportunity. Edible promo products are all the rage, and what better way to thank customers for their loyalty, or vendors for their continued business than with something yummy to eat that will keep you on their minds? If that’s not a good fit for your business, there are plenty of other holidays and observances in the month of March at your disposal. March is also National Women’s History Month. Here are some other ideas:

March 8: Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
March 20: Beginning of Spring
March 30: National Doctors Day

Need some ideas? Branding Ideas is here to help!

Calendar of Events: February

Each month Branding Ideas compiles a list of possible occasions your business can use to help promote your products and events. Remember to always seek out holidays and special occasions that fit with your business’s brand and message. Today is Groundhog Day (and yes, Spring is on its way!), but there are plenty of other upcoming holidays and observances worth considering. February 14th is, of course, Valentine’s Day, and February is International Expect Success Month as well as Black History Month. Here are some other notable dates:

February 3: Chinese New Year
February 6: Super Bowl Sunday
February 7 – 11: International Networking Week
February 21: Presidents Day

Need some ideas? Branding Ideas is here to help!

Calender of Events: June

Here at Branding Ideas, ideas are our business. The best way to come up with a unique idea to help promote your brand, product or event is to start with something small and toss the idea around for a while and see if something more substantial grows out of it. For example, each calendar month provides tons of ideas on which you could base a promotion for your business. That’s why we post a calendar of events each month to get you thinking. If something fits into the vision you’ve created for a new product or your brand in general, run with it. June is National Rose Month. It’s also National Diary Month, which provides a perfect excuse to send your valuable clients and customers personalized journals branded with your logo. (Need some suggestions for affordable journals and other promotional items? We’re here to help!) Here are some other notable dates and holidays for June:

Monday, June 14th – Flag Day
Sunday, June 20th – Father’s Day
Monday, June 21st – First Day of Summer

Calendar of Events: May

Each month Branding Ideas compiles a list of possible occasions your business can use to help promote your products and events. Remember to always seek out holidays and special occasions that fit with your business’s brand and message. Next Sunday is, of course, Mother’s Day, but there are other May holidays and observances that provide perfect excuses to offer up a special promotion and help boost your business. Here are some of our picks:

Wednesday, May 5th: Cinco de Mayo
Wednesday, May 12th: Nurses Day
Saturday, May 15th: Armed Forces Day
Monday, May 31st: Memorial Day

Need some ideas? Branding Ideas is here to help!

Calendar of Events: November

The holidays are just around the corner, which means there are plenty of ways to promote your brand this season. November is a month of thanks: In addition to Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving Day, it’s also Military Family Appreciation Month, National Family Caregivers Month and National Scholarship Month. These and other occasions provide the perfect opportunity to honor those who serve your community and the country while at the same time promoting anew or existing product or business. Here are some other excuses to get your promo on:

November 9th – 15th National Young Reader’s Week
November 9th – 16th World Kindness Week
November 11th – Veteran’s Day
November 15th – 21st American Education Week
November 26th – Thanksgiving Day

Calendar of Events: October

October is Self Promotion Month. It also happens to be Women’s Small Business Month. But even if you’re not a one-person operation or a woman-owned business, there plenty of monthly, weekly and daily observances on which to capitalize and promote your business, new product or project this month. There are several health-related observances: Health Literacy Month, Long Term Care Planning Month, National Chiropractic Month, National Dental Hygiene Month and National Physical Therapy Month. If health-related occasions don’t fit your company’s image and goals, what follows is a list of some other notable observances that could provide great opportunities to promote your business. And, of course, there’s always Halloween!

October 2nd – World Smile Day
October 4th – 10th National Work from Home Week
October 5th – World Habitat Day
October 5th – World Teacher’s Day
October 5th – 11th Customer Service Week
October 5th – 11th Financial Planning Week
October 11th – 17th International Credit Union Week
October 11th – 17th National Food Bank Week
October 16th – World Food Day

Calendar of Events: August

Branding Ideas has been compiling monthly lists of possible occasions worth celebrating this summer. Remember to always seek out holidays and special occasions that fit with your business’s brand and message. August is Black Business Month, so if you’re a black business owner, now is the perfect time to toot your own horn and celebrate your success by offering a special promotion to long-time customers or just use it as an excuse to promote your brand or new product. August is also Children’s Eye Health & Safety Month and National Immunization Awareness Month, so if your business is directly related to children, this is a great month to help spread the word about health, safety and immunization while at the same time gaining exposure for your brand. Here are August’s other weekly and daily observances:

August 2nd – 8th National Clown Week
August 2nd – 8th Single Working Women’s Week
August 4th National Night Out
August 7th Professional Speakers Day
August 8th – 16th Elvis Week
August 16th – 22nd National Aviation Week
August 21st Senior Citizen’s Day
August 25th – 31st Be Kind to Humankind Week